It's always ironic when God works in your life and prepares for something to come. This happened to me recently. I was asked to teach our adult Wednesday night group and I found myself teaching on the ways of the wise from Proverbs and a key part of that is seeking wise Godly counsel. Then, in our High school Sunday School study I again found myself leading/teaching on the importance of seeking Godly counsel. I didn't realize it at the time, but God was preparing me. Preparing me for something that I did not expect; and if I'm honest something that I'm still processing through.
I recently experienced heartache - and hope I will be able to reconnect and redevelop my relationship with that person in the right timing - and one of the best things that I did during this situation was reach out to my support network and seek wisdom on what my "next steps" should be. I received wisdom from a multiple close friends as to how to be assertive, yet respectful. How to express my deep care without feeling smothering or like I was trying to force them back to me. I also received insight about myself from them and was able to hear their stories of similar heartache. One person told me how they and their, now long time, spouse had taken time from their relationship several times and always ended up back together - giving me hope for my relationship. Another told me of and how the were able to persevere through the difficulty of ending a relationship that had, at one time, seemed to be leading to marriage. Still others offered encouraging words and comforting thoughts.
Each of the people I talked with and sought counsel from offered wonderful insights and each encouraged, and reminded, me, above all, God is still sovereign. He knows the story of my life better than I ever will because He has written it and knows all the twists and turns. He is a God of wisdom and comfort and I, and my now former partner, can trust Him to lead us in the plan He has set for our lives. Though this knowledge doesn't eliminate the pain it does provide some ease to it. I have a confidence that God will lead me to the right person, in the right timing. Whether it is my former partner or a new, to be revealed, woman of faith.
Today, I pray for wisdom and comfort for myself and for her. I hope for each of us to gain clarity, surety, and above all a closer-ness to God in the midst of a new painful time of emotional and relational loss. We can trust that if it is God's desire when we begin to communicate again, He will tell us whether we are or are not meant for one another. My prayer is for her happiness and her continued sanctification.